
Thanks for joining me.

I am not sure where this journey is going to take me, but I've a sense from others that it isn't going to be an easy ride. There will be setbacks, periods of slow progress, maybe even lapses into depression, and moments (I hope) of reward and elation. I can't tell what, when, how quite yet.

I'm going to be writing quickly and when I can, so don't expect great prose!

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Thanks for the blogs...

Becoming a CI user isn't easy, but it is an extraordinary experience. That's why I wanted to take time here to thank the many many CI users whose blogs, webpages and columns have been a personal inspiration thus far for me. People like Abbie Cranmer and Jennifer Thorpe have been trailblazers for many of us - telling of the experience of unilateral or bilateral implantation as it is, with humour but also with enormous honesty. Committing to a CI is as much an emotional journey as a physical one, and their openess and candour has been really important. To all of you guys blogging away about the experience of CI life, thanks. You're an inspiration.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the kind words, Mark! I'm so glad I've been able to help in some little way :). Before I got my first CI I went looking for others that had shared my experiences and there weren't many. The ones I found were SO helpful to me...they gave me an idea what to expect...and I have wanted mine to be that for someone else :).
Just a few more days until your switch on...I am excited to hear how it goes!!