
Thanks for joining me.

I am not sure where this journey is going to take me, but I've a sense from others that it isn't going to be an easy ride. There will be setbacks, periods of slow progress, maybe even lapses into depression, and moments (I hope) of reward and elation. I can't tell what, when, how quite yet.

I'm going to be writing quickly and when I can, so don't expect great prose!

Monday 8 December 2008

Back at work

...but feeling still pretty knocked about, even after ten days of working from home and resting. Still, the silence (despite the tinnitus) is a rude sensation. I now hear nothing, but - remarkable thing the brain - I find myself kind of 'imputing' sounds. So much so that, if I didn't know better, I'd say that I 'heard' the doors of my London Underground train swish shut this morning. I am assuming that the brain is trying to be comforting. Now that I know I am waiting for activation on 6th January, I am getting used to the idea of a silent Christmas. Perhaps 'Silent Night' has never been more appropriate....

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