
Thanks for joining me.

I am not sure where this journey is going to take me, but I've a sense from others that it isn't going to be an easy ride. There will be setbacks, periods of slow progress, maybe even lapses into depression, and moments (I hope) of reward and elation. I can't tell what, when, how quite yet.

I'm going to be writing quickly and when I can, so don't expect great prose!

Friday, 26 June 2009

The end of it all...

Well this blog has done it's job. It has been a record of my highs and lows through the CI experience and allowed me to connect with other CIers among the late deafened. I'm now the proud owner of an Advanced Bionics CI 'blob' on my head, I'm restored to something like functionality, and I am a cyborg of six months experience and counting. Time to close this blog and get on with life. Thanks to all for their comments and emails. Good luck to you all.