
Thanks for joining me.

I am not sure where this journey is going to take me, but I've a sense from others that it isn't going to be an easy ride. There will be setbacks, periods of slow progress, maybe even lapses into depression, and moments (I hope) of reward and elation. I can't tell what, when, how quite yet.

I'm going to be writing quickly and when I can, so don't expect great prose!

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Changing again

The character of the hearing loss is changing - again. Now the sounds of other voices are a little more distinct, but everything sounds muffled, tinny and as if my head were in a barrel. All characteristic, I see, of hearing loss related to eustachian tube dysfunction...I wonder...

Meanwhile, my next full clinic appointment (8th Feb) remains a bit of a mystery. I know who I am meeting, but not what they do or why they are meeting me. The explosion of activity in December has abated, for now. And I still don't have sight of the MRI scan.

Disheartened? A little.

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